The oldest committee, Hart-Miller Island (HMI) Citizens Oversight Committee was statutorily created in 1981 to advise Maryland Port Administration (MPA) on dredged material placement activities at HMI as well as the monitoring program. Since dredged material placement was ceased at HMI in 2009, the HMI COC has been engaged in the development of the closure plan for the site and is working to create a Friends of Hart-Miller Island volunteer group.

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Past Committee Meetings



  • Baltimore County Waterman’s Association

  • Essex-Middle River Civic Council
    Larry Lee

  • Greater Dundalk Community Council

  • Maryland Environmental Trust

  • North Point Peninsula Coordinating Community Council
    Francis Taylor

  • Pleasure Boaters

  • Seventh County Council District
    Paul Brylske, Chairperson

  • Sixth County Council District
    Karen Wynn

  • Sports Fishing and Crabbing
    Sam Weaver

State Agency Representatives:

  • MD Department of the Environment
    Matt Rowe

  • MD Department of Natural Resources
    Robert Iman
    Ken Miller
    Robin Reed

  • MD Environmental Service
    Lincoln Tracy

  • MD Port Administration
    David Bibo
    Amanda Peñafiel