This will be a virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams. Join By Video: Teams link HERE Join By Phone: Join by Phone: 1-443-409-5228 Conference ID: 809 075 861# Access Meeting Materials: Link to agenda HERE
Please join us to learn about MPA’s Dredged Material Management Program and the Cox Creek Dredged Material Containment Facility (DMCF). Riding van tours of the site will be provided on a 30-minute cycle before and after a brief presentation, along with informational stations on elements of the Dredged Material Management Program staffed by MPA Project…
This meeting will be held ON SITE only. The boat pick up time will be 5:30 pm at the Maryland Environmental Service’s (MES) land base at 2024A Riverview Rd in Essex, MD. Please arrive a few minutes early, as the boat will leave promptly at 5:30 pm. The Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Port Administration…