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Spotlight Series on Building a Sustainable Port of Baltimore

Learn more about some innovative environmental initiatives that are fostering the growth of the Port of Baltimore while enhancing the quality of life.

September 29, 2021

Spotlight Series on the Mid-Bay Island Ecosystem Restoration Project

This informative discussion spotlights the Mid-Bay Ecosystem Restoration Project, a future dredged material placement site that will restore and expand beneficial island habitat in the Chesapeake.

May 19, 2021

Advancing Coastal Resilience through Dredged Material Management

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Maryland's Dredged Material Management Act, a tremendous effort which has guided how we manage dredged material management successfully in ways that are good for our economy, our communities, and our environment. This webinar spotlights innovative linkages of dredged material to coastal resilience, our progress in Maryland, and our ambitious plans for the future.

February 24, 2021